APIs to Optimize Your Cash Management!

Diapason integrates various APIs into the DataBridge module of myDiapason, a connectivity hub that centralizes exchanges.

The treasurer monitors connectivity with their ecosystem and automates various processes to optimize cash management effectively.

Connect Your Ecosystem to Optimize Your Cash Management!

Optimizing cash flow management, anticipating the financing needs of the company, managing currency and interest rate risks… The treasurer must be able to make informed and strategic decisions regarding financing and cash placement while ensuring rigorous and secure management of the company’s financial flows.

To achieve this, the treasurer uses a multitude of systems and applications, but simplicity and efficiency are essential. The technical solution is readily available through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

APIs to Optimize Your Cash Management

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of protocols and rules that allow your Treasury Management System (TMS) to communicate and exchange data in a standardized manner with various software and applications you use. In other words, the API serves as a gateway between two applications, enabling the connection to a third-party service and using its functionalities within one’s own code.

APIs to Support Treasurers in their Digital Transformation

The use of APIs with the myDiapason TMS solution enables the automation of processes and facilitates communication with other applications or systems, such as:

  • Banks: Retrieve bank statements, make payments or transfers, monitor real-time cash positions, and track investments.
  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems: Synchronize financial and accounting data, including customer and supplier invoices, orders, stocks, and cash movements.
  • Invoicing management systems: Automate the integration of invoices and initiate supplier payments.
  • Fraud prevention platforms: Control supplier payments for fraud prevention.

Diapason’s Connectivity Offering

Diapason, the leading solution for treasury, payments, and risk management for large corporations and mid-sized enterprises (ETI), integrates various APIs through the DataBridge module of myDiapason. This connectivity hub centralizes exchanges, enabling clients to monitor connectivity with their ecosystem and automate various processes.

The DataBridge Integration Services of myDiapason Solutions

The DataBridge module offers a wide range of options for Diapason clients to connect easily, securely, and cost-effectively to various business solutions, such as:

  • Banking Communication: Swift | RAHA certified & MQ to facilitate communication and data exchange with banks.
  • Host-to-host: SFTP, EBICS TS, for automated, fast, and secure information exchange with banks.
  • Market Data Collection: Refinitiv, Bloomberg and Six Group, to monitor market fluctuations and obtain real-time information on interest rates, exchange rates, and commodity prices.
  • E-trading Platforms: FxAll, 360T to access a wide range of financial instruments, such as currencies, foreign exchange options, currency futures, and interest rate swaps.
  • Market Operations Pricing: Bloomberg’s MARS for a more accurate and updated view of the value of financial assets and liabilities.
  • Fraud Prevention Platform: Sis ID, Trustpair to secure the payment chain.
  • REST for orchestrating interconnection with various Finance IT applications (e.g., ERP) and real-time data exchange.
  • Microsoft’s PowerBI to create custom value-added dashboards.
  • Integration with Microsoft SharePoint & Outlook and Google Drive to seamlessly integrate into the office environment.

The Advantages of APIs at Diapason

The wealth of connectivity modes offered by the DataBridge module of myDiapason solutions allows for:

  • Automation of Recurrent and Manual Tasks: This frees up time to focus on more value-added tasks.
  • Enhanced Data Reliability: Automated data exchange reduces the risks of errors associated with manual data entry, ensuring more reliable data.
  • Increased Security: Data is secured and protected by advanced security protocols, reducing the risks of fraud and cyberattacks.
  • Improved Cash Flow Visibility: Provides better visibility into cash flows.
  • Real-time Liquidity Monitoring: Allows monitoring of liquidity levels in real-time for making better-informed decisions.
  • Simplified Cash Management: Streamlines cash management through the integration of multiple data sources.
  • Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity: By automating repetitive tasks and avoiding input errors, overall efficiency and productivity are improved.

Our Top Priority Remains Data Security

Our DataBridge connectivity hub provides optimal data security and traceability by encrypting exchanges and files. It is continuously updated to remain compliant with market standards and best meet the requirements of our clients.

About the Author

Valérie Lafaury, Chief Marketing Officer

Valérie is the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Diapason, the solution that streamlines corporate treasury management. She crafts press releases, in-depth articles, and timely pieces on topics related to the treasurer’s profession. Her goal is to provide treasurers with useful and practical information to optimize their treasury management.

Valerie Lafaury

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